

New Arrangement for HKDSE – Category C (Other Languages) Subjects for the 2025 HKDSE and Beyond

The HKEAA has decided to adopt official language examinations for HKDSE Category C (Other Languages) subjects for French, German, Japanese, Korean and Spanish. These will be administered by official cultural organizations and will start from the 2025 HKDSE. Students will have to enroll directly with the administrators of the stipulated language examinations and opt for the respective Category C subject during HKDSE registration. Candidates may take the language examinations more than once within the two years preceding the HKDSE they sit. For example, the 2025 HKDSE, candidates may take the language examinations in 2023 and 2024, and should complete the examinations by the end of 2024. The respective examination providers will then pass the candidates’ results in the stipulated language examinations to the HKEAA. Students’ results obtained in these examinations at the stipulated proficiency level or above will be included in the HKDSE Category C results.

Application Schedule for 2024-2025 Academic Year

中六學生 Form 6 Students

6月至7月 JUN to JUL
報考HKDSE申請時段 (實際申請報考時間以教育局通函為準)

Application period for HKDSE Examination (The exact registration date and time, please refer to the Circular Memorandum announced by the Education Bureau).

7月2日至8月9日 (2nd JUL to 9th AUG 2024)

第一階段 – 公開報名

網上選班以先到先得公平方式進行,各班名額有限,額滿即止。 如學生未能於報名截止前完成所有網上註冊程序,(即在網上報名後十個工作天內繳付一切學費,例如:非 申請DLG的學生費、學材費、書本及閱讀筆之費用),其名額將會自動被取消,之前學校已預留之名額亦轉給的後補的學生。

Phase I – Open Application to Existing Students
The Academy will notify the existing S5 students to register S6 programme via individual email and student notice.

Students are requested to register online and pay all relevant fees. All registration is based on the “first come first served” principle due to limited quota for each language programme. The reserved quota will be cancelled automatically if students cannot complete the online registration including the exact payment of all fees (e.g. the Non-DLG enrolled student fee, training materials, textbooks and reading pens) within 10 (ten) working days after the completion of the online registration. Then, the previously reserved seats to be released to the students on the waiting list.

7月下旬 (LATE JUL 2024)

第二階段 – 公佈2024/2025年度分班結果

Phase II - Class Allocation Announcement for 2024/2025
Confirmation email will be sent to the successfully registered students and the respective School’s Language Programme Person-In-Charge regarding the forthcoming class start date and time.


由於香港中學文憑試 - 丙類(其他語言)科目會於2024年10月至12月在各報考中心正式進行考試,中六預備課程亦會於8月至11月底進行密集式上課及模擬考試以協助學生備試 (在2024/2025下學年度的學期開始前)。


Official Class Start Period

The HKDSE-Category C Subjects examinations will be held in October-December 2024 at different language examination centres. Therefore, S6 Training Programme will be conducted intensively during the period of August to the end of November for assisting students to prepare the Language Other Languages forthcoming examinations (prior to the start of the 2nd semester of 2024/2025).

Please be reminded to visit our Academy website ( for the latest updated information.

中四中五 Form 4 and Form 5 Students

多元學習津貼(DLG)報名日子 (實際申請時間表以教育局通函為準)

Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) application period by School is usually around June to July. The exact date and time for registration, please refer to the Circular Memorandum announced by the Education Bureau.

6月19日至7月19日 (19th JUN to 19th JUL 2024)
第一階段 - 學校首輪報名

Phase 1 - School Application
The Academy will send a School Enrollment Form to all schools via emails to respective School’s Language Programme Person-in-Charge, please fill in all required information. Schools are requested to provide details of the 2024-2025 DLG Enrolled Student List not later than 19th July 2024 (Friday). Once the Academy receives the list, the registration information will be sent to respective students accordingly.

7月2日至8月9日 (2nd JUL to 9th AUG)
第二階段 – 學生報名網上註冊


√中四日語(2/7 (二),下午5:00開始);
√中五日語(3/7 (三),下午5:00開始);
√中四及中五韓語(4/7 (四),下午5:00開始);
√中四及中五西班牙語(5/7 (五),下午5:00開始)和
√中四及中五法語(5/7 (五),下午5:00開始)


Phase 2 - Student Enrollment
The Academy will inform students based on the 2024/2025 DLG Enrolled Student List. Students are required to complete the registration procedure within 10 (ten) working days. Enrollment status will be updated to schools regularly. Campus and class selection are solely based on the “first come first served” principle due to the limited quota. The previously reserved quota by School will be cancelled if students cannot complete the online registration before the deadline stated in the application form.

√S4-Japanese (Starts on 2/7 (Tue) at 5 p.m.);
√S5-Japanese (Starts on 3/7 (Wed) at 5 p.m.);
√S4 to S5 Korean (Starts on 4/7 (Thur) at 5 p.m.);
√S4 to S5 Spanish (Starts on 5/7 (Fri) at 5 p.m.); and
√S4 to S5 French (Starts on 5/7 (Fri) at 5 p.m.)

8月中旬 Mid AUG
第三階段 – 公佈分班結果


Phase 3 - Class Placement Announcement
Confirmation email for the start date and time of each class will be sent to students and the respective School’s person-in-charge.

正式開課日期 Official Class Start : 9月7日(六) (7th September 2024)



香港浸信會聯會專業書院 ("書院") 是香港浸信會聯會屬下非牟利院校,以基督教辦學理念培育人才,本書院根據《教育條例》第279 章註冊 (註冊編號為 550388) 。自2000年,書院一直提供多元化課程,範圍涵蓋於教師培訓、學術課程和專業培訓。秉承基督教的辦學宗旨,我們認為人人皆擁有平等的教育機會,按著個人的喜好及選擇,獲得相應的知識增進及裝備自己。所以,我們的辦學使命是為學員打開優質學習之門,使其在靈性上、學術上,均能得以發展及提升,以便繼續升學或進入就業巿場。

  • 書院自2012學年起,為中四至中六級學生開辦新高中外語課程
  • 多年來,參與學校已累積了與超過150間中學合辦,近10000位學生修讀日語、韓語、法語、西班牙語課程
  • 為配合不同地區學生的需要,書院在港島(小西灣)、九龍(佐敦)及新界(屯門、粉嶺及沙田)區等均設有上課地點。

Academy of The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong (ABCHK) is a non-profit making Christian education institute sponsored by the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong. The School is a registered school (Registration No. 550388) under CAP 279 Education Ordinance. ABCHK has been training not only teachers for applying IT in education but also the community through multifarious programmes, ranging from on-the-job training to academic programmes since 2000. ABCHK upholds the Christian virtues that men are born equal and that everyone is endowed with the opportunity to enhance their intellect in accordance with their own distinctive roadmap. It is, therefore, a mission of ABCHK to open the door to high-quality opportunities that enable learning, advancement and development in both pragmatic and spiritual realms, and employment for all.

  • ABCHK has been delivering new secondary school other languages programme for Secondary 4 to 6 students since 2012
  • Over 150 secondary schools and nearly 10,000 students enrolled to our Japanese, Korean, French and Spanish courses
  • To cater the needs of students from different districts, we offer campuses in Hong Kong (Siu Sai Wan), Kowloon (Jordan) and New Territories (Tuen Mun, Fanling and Shatin) and so on.
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參與學校 Partner Schools


學生 Students (由2012起計 Since 2012)


校舍 Campuses


%合格率 Pass Rate

