Course Overview
This course is designed to equip people who would like to engage their careers in social services or education with a focus in supporting children with special educational needs (SEN), specifically suffered from Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD). The core learning areas are distinct categories of study that prepare professional practitioners to facilitate SEN children’s growth and development.
本課程旨在裝備有志投身社福或教育界支援有特殊教育需求(SEN)兒童,尤其是患有自閉症譜系障礙(ASD)、注意力不足/過度活躍 (ADHD)、特殊學習障礙 (SpLD) 孩子的人士。核心學習領域包含多類別的範疇,讓學員成為有關行業的從業員,能有效促進SEN兒童的成長和發展。
Course Features
We deliver a complete end-to-end training that will qualify you to serve SEN children. Our course is a Level 4 programme endorsed by TQUK and is recognized nationally and internationally. The course is delivered through face-to-face lectures supported by online training. Our course materials are prepared by qualified experts in the field. The materials are comprehensive containing all the knowledge that you need to complete your assignments.
我們提供完整堅實的培訓,幫助您獲取為SEN兒童提供服務專業知識和技能 。這課程已獲英國培訓資歷TQUK第4級認可,在本地和國際上都得到廣泛認受。課程以面授模式進行,輔以網上支援。所有學科材料,均由業界領域內具合資格的專家預備,務求全面覆蓋課程所需的知識範疇。
Course Contents
There are 5 areas of learning (i.e. combination of knowledge and skills), which are organized in 5 teaching units (4 lecturing units plus a field study), each comprised of 15 learning hours.
Unit 1: (DSEN401) Introduction to Special Educational Need (SEN) and Inclusive Education
Aims of Learning
- To provide learners with an overall understanding regarding the characteristics and fundamental needs of students with different types of special education needs (SEN), including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), Intellectual Disability (ID), Speech and Language Impairment (SL), Physical Disability (PD) and Emotional Challenges.
Unit Syllabus
- Introduction to SEN; Understanding of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Intellectual Disability (ID) and Physical Disability (PD); Understanding of students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Visual & Hearing disability (VI)(HI); Understanding of Students with Dyslexia, Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD); Speech and Language Impairment (SL); Medical/Psychological perspective on children with SEN.
Unit 2: (DSEN402) Play Therapy and Skills for SEN Students
Aims of Learning
- To provide play therapy skills and knowledge that enables learners to work with families with SEN children and to address complex and non-routine emotional and behavioural problems that they may encounter in their work.
Unit Syllabus
- Introduction to Play Therapy, Play Therapy and Neuroscience; Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Psychosocial Identity Theory; Communicating and Working with SEN Children: Child-centered Play Therapy and Directive Play Therapy
Unit 3: (DSEN403) Multiple Interventions and Support Strategies for SEN Children
Aims of Learning
- To provide learners with an overall understanding of the basic knowledge of theory of primary senses, sensory integration (SI) & sensory processing disorder (SPD), symptoms of SPD and the needs of children with SPD, basic understanding of centre-based SI activities and home-based sensory diet equipment and activities. An overview of challenging behaviours of SEN children, the triggering factors, de-escalation and behavioural handling techniques are also introduced. The intervention strategies such as individual, group, family and societal intervention for SEN children and their families will be demonstrated.
Unit Syllabus
- Introduction to Sensory Integration - Sensory Integration (SI) Activities; Intervention with SEN Children Using Board Game and Picture Book; Handling Aggressive Behaviors of SEN Children; Bullying Issues with SEN Children
Unit 4: (DSE404) Psychosocial Knowledge and Skills for Supporting Children with Special Education Needs (SEN) and Their Families
Aims of Learning
- To equip practitioners and caregivers with psychosocial knowledge and skills to serve children with SEN and their families. And, to facilitate practitioners and caregivers to deal with complex situations (such as issues) which may give rise to more complicated problems.
Unit Syllabus
- Self-Awareness and Self-Development; Human Growth and Development; Communications; Family Theories
Unit 5: (DSEN405) Project-based Learning (Field Observation and Study)
Aims of Learning
- To provide learners with an overall understanding, through on-site observations and follow-up report writing, to grasp the knowledge regarding the sensory integration system, desktop training and speech therapy
Unit Syllabus
- Field Experience in the Service Organizations and Professional Parties; Activity Planning and Organizational Skill for SEN Children
共有5個學習範疇(知識技能與實務),分5個教學單元 (4個講授單元和一個專題研習課程),每個教學單元包括15個教學小時。
第1單元: (DSEN401) 特殊學習需要(SEN)兒童成長發展需要及融合教育概論
- 學員能分辦各項SEN類別的特質
- 學員能了解SEN學童在學習、社交、身心與成長之需要
- 學員能掌握現行融合教育的狀況及理念
- 分別認識每類SEN學童的特質,包括學習需要、社交及心理發展與需要、評估及醫療情況、社會資源等。
- 介紹融合教育理念及現行學校及班房支援的情況。
第2單元: (DSEN402) 遊戲治療支援SEN兒童的理念及基礎技巧
- 學員能認識遊戲治療基礎理論及支援SEN兒童的模式
- 學員能掌握舒緩SEN學童情緒及行為問題的技巧
- 教授遊戲治療輔導概念及模式
- 介紹「兒童為本」的培育理念
- 介紹家庭系統理論及分析兒童情緒/行為問題成因
- 教授舒緩SEN學童情緒及行為問題與提升自信的基礎技巧
第3單元: (DSEN403) 特殊學習需要(SEN)兒童多元介入及支援策略
- 學員能認識感覺統合基礎知識及支援SEN兒童的方式
- 學員能認識處理感覺失調問題的方法
- 學員能學習繪本及桌上遊戲之介入方法
- 教授感覺系統及基礎理論及感覺統合失調的定義
- 介紹感覺統合活動訓練支援有特殊教育需要的兒童及其家人
- 教授緩和衝突及管理 SEN 兒童挑戰性行為的技巧
- 教授繪本及桌上遊戲之介入方法
第4單元: (DSE404) 支援有特殊教育需要(SEN)兒童及其家人的社會心理知識和技能
- 學員能認識特殊教育需要兒童在成長發展的身心需要
- 學員能了解家長支援模式
- 學員能處理特殊教育需要(SEN)兒童可能引起更複雜的情況
- 介紹自閉症兒童成長需要的基本知識 (認知能力、身體成長、心理社交)
- 教授家長介入支援及與家長有效溝通方法
- 教授家庭理論知識增加對家庭的了解
第5單元: (DSEN405) 專題研習實務技巧運用 (觀察及學習)
- 學員能在實際環境中了解支援SEN兒童之情況
- 學員能從觀察中更掌握服務及培訓技巧
- 學員能從反思中鞏固所學
- 通過參觀支援SEN兒童之服務機構,了解各項服務/培訓的實際運作。包括感統治療、學前訓練、個案輔導等
- 學員與機構導師的討論及學習,加強學員的反思提升專業水平
- 學員提交反思報告以總結課程所學,鞏固知識的掌握
Course Photo
點擊觀看 學員畢業後的心得分享
點擊觀看 李菁文講師分享篇
李菁文女士 (Ms Dilys Li) 為註冊遊戲治療師(督導) – 澳大利亞遊戲治療協會、註冊遊戲治療師 (美國遊戲治療協會)、
點擊觀看 吳健文講師分享篇
畢業於香港大學社會科學碩士 (社會工作-青少年) 及 香港中文大學社會工作學士課程,擁有多年兒童及家庭、特殊教育需要服務、學校社會工作服務經驗。
點擊觀看 學員分享篇
Course Information
Course Organizer: Academy of The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong
Supporting Organizations: Tai Po Baptist Church Social Service and Counselling Centre
Medium of Instruction: Chinese - Cantonese and English
Course Duration: Around 3 months
Date of Commencement: 2 May 2024
Class date: May to July 2024, on every Tuesday and Thursday (with one to two sessions each week), from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm.
Mode of Study: Part time (face-to-face lectures)
Teaching Venue: Academy of The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong (2/F., Chong Tak House, 33-39 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon)
Tuition Fee: HK$12,000 (including TQUK certificate and administration fees); (Enroll in individual unit only: HK$2,650 per unit)
HK$2,000 will be deducted with Principal’s recommendation/Head of supporting organizations and the schools/churches affiliated to the Baptist Convention of Hong Kong. The recommendation form must be filled in and APPLY online
(Note (1): Applicants can only enjoy one of the discounts. (2) If the number of applicants is less than 12, this diploma course will be postponed or cancelled.)
Completion of the course:
Students who have met all the requirements of the course will receive a TQUK (level 4) certificate.
上課地點 : 香港浸信會聯會專業書院(九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道33-39號3樓,電梯按2字)
學費:HK$12,000(包括證書費及行政費); 個別選修每一單元: HK$2,650
(註 (1) : 申請者只可享其中一項優惠。(2) 倘若報名人數少於12人,此文憑課程,將會押後或取消。)
Applicants must satisfy one of the following admission requirements:
(a) Have obtained Level 2 in five subjects (including Chinese Language and English Language) in the HKDSE; OR
(b) Have graduated from the Diploma Yi Jin; OR
(c) Have completed a QF Level 3 programme that is approved by the Institute; OR
(d) Being a mature applicant aged 21 with relevant working experience and academic background; OR
(e) Have obtained an equivalent qualification.
(a) 香港中學文憑試五科(包括中國語文及英國語文)取得第 2 級成績; 或
(b) 已畢業於毅進文憑;或
(c) 已完成資歷架構第三級課程;或
(d) 年滿 21 歲並具備相關工作經驗及學術背景;或
(e) 已獲得同等資格
Payment Method
Payment Method
ATM/ Online Transfer Payment
(Payment at Bank Counter is not acceptable)
Places are limited and on a first-come, first-served basis. Please pay a total of HK$12,000 including tuition fee and certificate fee within one week after confirmation. Everything is subject to the time and date of the payment. No payment is made after one week of confirmation will be regarded as giving up the course. Paid fees are not refundable.
Bank Name: Hang Seng Bank
Account Name: Academy of The Baptist Convention of Hong Kong
Account Number: 242-6-048365
Please write (1) student name (2) course name (3) contact number on the front of a deposit slip/screenshot of the transfer record. Please email the deposit slip/screenshot of the transfer record to
銀行名稱: 恆生銀行
戶口名稱: 「香港浸信會聯會專業書院」
戶口號碼: 242-6-048365
請在「入數紙」收據正面/轉帳記錄截圖寫上 (1)同學姓名 (2)課程名稱 (3)聯絡電話。請將「入數紙」/轉帳記錄圖像電郵到。
Pandemic Arrangements
Since the epidemic situation isstill unstable, as the organizer of this course, westay vigilant and remain cautious. We continue to have the anti-epidemic measures in place strictly, including checking body temperature upon the entry of students and visitors to all teaching premises, maintaining social distance, and wearing of masks at all times. In response to the developments of the epidemic, we may need to adapt the new normal of learning by switching between face-to-face classes or online learning from time to time. We appeal to students for their understanding and co-operation. We shall continue to take into account the latest developments of the epidemic as well as the advice from health experts. We shall keep alert in observing the government’s latest measures, in particular instructions from the Education Bureau. Early announcementswill be made to allow students for preparation in advance.
Contact Us
地點 Address
(柯士甸站F出口 / 佐敦地鐵站C2出口)
2/F, Chong Tak House, 33-39 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui
(Austin Station, Exit F /Jordan station, Exit C2)
辦公時間 Office Hour
Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 6:00 p.m (1:00-2:00 lunch hour)
星期一至星期五 上午9:30 - 下午6:00 (1:00-2:00午膳時間)
電話 Phone
2355 9000
電郵 Email